God is so great. Only God can make the beauty that surrounds us daily. Have you ever really looked at a butterfly. What an amazing creature! Now think about this, that very beautiful creature that you see before you it took an awesome journey to get that point. I know, I know some of you are thinking DUHHHH, its a caterpillar then Poof!!, its a butterfly, but it goes through a tremendous transformation. Just as Christians take that same transformation. We start out as caterpillars(Sinners), then we go into a cocoon(living of the world), then we transform into a beautiful creature(asking Jesus into our hearts). I don't know about you but I love being this beautiful creature that God has turned me into. I will never go back to my old life. I love people saying to me why are you so joyful. I can gladly say, "It's not me, it's Jesus." So next time you see a butterfly, think about the transformation you have been through or if you don't know Jesus Christ, just open the Holy Bible and read and you can transform into beautiful creature. We all have to take that journey of our FREE WILL and choose, don't choose wrongly, CHOOSE LIFE-CHOOSE CHRIST.