Monday, July 21, 2008

Tunnel Vision

OK, I was watching TBN last night and I heard this amazing teenager give the greatest object lesson on tunnel vision. He had everyone in the congregation make a small O with one of their hands take it and put it up to one eye and look through it. Then take it down and look with both eyes. Sad that even as Christians we have tunnel vision where we only see what's in front of us and not what is surrounding us. We have to look at the whole picture. God is amazing just look at everything around us, from the simple things like a tree or the sunset, to the incredible technology that we have now to go any where in the world. So next time your outside look ALL around you, not just what's in front of you. Our God IS an awesome God!

1 comment:

Matt Nichols said...

Well that left me in an old school moment sayin... WELLLL, and a little Amen Sister! with a side of MMMHHMMMM... That's right!. That's so true how we never really do catch the glory of not just what's around us but also what's going at the moment. So true. Awesome blogging too. The pink EVERYTHING gave it away!