Wednesday, March 25, 2009

God is a Great God-All the time

OK, I don't know how many of you knew, but satan really attacked our family last week. First Tony and I were real sick with some kind of virus, then our great newphew was born 4 weeks early and was put in NICU due to pneumonia and lungs underdelveloped, and Tony's cousin who he is real close too like a sister was put in hospital for losing blood and doctor's could not find out why. OK now the awesome God part. Of course we were healed quickly. The baby (Bryant Carson Collingsworth) we got word yesterday he is doing great and may go home sooner than they predicted. Now the most awesomest news, Jackie(Tony's cousin) they found out that she had no bone marrow that is was just gel. They ran several tests and we got the call last night that she has a very rare disease called Hairy Cell Leukemia, which is cureable with just a few chemo treatments. Ok I am crying with joy tears right now. satan comes to steal kill and detroy, God comes in gives life and to give it more abundantly.


Beckypdj said...

God is good ALL the time. No matter what it looks like, no matter how I "feel".

Amen, sista.

ps said...

God is good and He wants everyone to know it! Keep spreading the GOOD NEWS!!!