Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ghost of Blogger's Past

OK, I have went to several people's blogs today and I have noticed that I am not the only one who has been slipping on the blogging lately. What does this mean? Are we truly too busy in this day and time, are we having trouble finding things to write about or are we just plain not doing it????? What's your thoughts?


Beckypdj said...

Too nice outside, yardwork starting, or I don't have a life to write about? Just kidding, I have been thinking the same thing. Tom hasn't done anything funny...lately. We shot the guns again the other day, was going to blog about it and post a pic. Camera battery was dead, argh.

Jessica said...

I have been pretty busy..and when I'm not too busy I don't know what to blog. Sometimes I can't think of anything, sometimes there is too much!

ps said...

Jess voiced exactly my thoughts. Too busy and when I do have time, I haven't anything to write!!! I'm trying though!

dar said...

Do you tend to over think it? Yes, I know, easy for me to say 'cause I don't have one. But I notice most of you have 'tweets' along side and they can be funny and/or interesting because they are just thoughts dropped there and have to stand alone without the comment that precedes and follows!