I am so happy Spring is here. This is my favorite time of year. This is the time of year when we really can see God's beautiful creation at its finest. The rebirth of plants, trees, flowers, even animals. Only God could make such beauty. Imagine, if you can, could you have come up with the radiant rose on your own or the majestic oak tree, that blooms those gorgeous green leaves that change colors. I think not. It takes a mind that goes way beyond ours to come up with the beauty that we see around us. Oh yeah, I also like spring because its the best time for kayaking, hiking, and camping. So what's your favorite time of the year?
Growth & Changes
6 years ago
Favorite times of year are fall and spring. I used to think I like fall best but I think they tie for first.
I have to totally agree with PS. But I think spring wins over I love the smells and the awesome blooms good stuff!
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