Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Riches

"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. " Matthew 6:33, NLT. OK I get Air 1 bible verse of the day and this was on there yesterday. I have read this verse over and over and heard preached over an over, but never got a revelation like I did this morning. I was passing a church bulletin board this morning and it actually had something serious on it-"Thank God for what you have-Trust God for what you need!" How many times as Christians do we forget to TRUST in God for EVERY NEED??? I know to trust in God, but this morning "I KNOW TO TRUST IN GOD FOR EVERY NEED." Talk about getting slapped upside the head. I felt like I was in a V-8 commercial. I got hit hard.

1 comment:

Beckypdj said...

God is good all the time!!